NSWMA board may resign for its failure appoint PNP loyalist but NHT board remains after wasting $200m

Jamaica is a rather interesting country, where accountability never appears to be good word especially when it comes unto governance issues.

Last year the NHT board was allowed to remain intact after wasting over $200m to by the loss making property known as Outameni Attractions.

Today we hear the NSWMA board is likely to be asked to resign over their failure to hand PNP loyalist Jennifer Edwards a new three year contract, after her existing contract expired on March 26, 2015 !

What a sad state of affairs in Jamaica and what a docile set of people, who do not seem to give a rats ass about good governance . Our continued ambivalence to these matters is allowing this country to sink faster than a rock .

I continue to weep for my country , which  continues to move fast down the road to sure failed state.

NHT board contracts expires this Thursday, April 2, 1015, will the PM now act ?

Madame Prime Minister, commonsenseja is holding to your commitment made last year in the height of the Outameni controversy that a new board will be appointed, when the contract of the existing board members expires later this week.

Will the Prime Minister act or is she hoping that we have all forgotten, given out tendency to never hold these politicians accountable no matter how badly they screw up.

I have not forgotten !

Jamaicans speak about ” Fish back” with Cliff !

IMPACT: “Rainforrest wi buy it, not even dawg want it fi eat ..but wa wi fi do? Wi cyaa dead” – Vendor Downtown speaking to

Woman tells : “Di fish back, not even jancro waah dat fi eat. Dat nuh good. But haffi eat it”

This is what Jamaica has descended to and its only by the grace of the father why this country has  not imploded as yet.

I hope it never happens but with the hardship being faced by Jamaicans, unless the PNP pulls of a miracle something will have to give soon.

Get Swedish experts to run the NSWMA and Riverton ; dump the existing board !

Commonsenseja is calling on the government to get serious about Riverton and bring in experts to change the game as it relates to the dump.

Sweden has proven they can do it, with 99% of ALL the waste in that country being recycled and just 1%  ending up at the land fill. What more can one ask for.

Dump the existing board, dump all who are clamouring to eat a food off the dump and get a set of “real” experts to deal with this dump once and for all.


Chicken back fat now on sale , as poverty bites Jamaicans.

As poverty continues to gallop under the austerity brought on by the PNP after over 22 years of leadership, the Jamaican population have to keep finding creative ways to survive.

Just two weeks ago, Andrew Holness noted that a significant number of people in Jamaica had to seek the now infamous    ” fishback” as a source of protein, given their inability to purchase fish.

While Chicken back has been a source of protein for a very long time, the product has now been striped down further and the cost lowered as poverty and cost of living has driven Jamaicans to new lows.

You can now purchase “chicken back fat ”  at some shops in and around Kingston for $20 per pound. The chicken back fat is placed in a frying pan, after it has been heated for a few minutes. You continuously turn the chicken back fat until it is crispy. You then recover the oil produced, which is bottled and put aside for future use, while the now crispy fat is added to callaloo , cabbage or you add seasoning to it and have it a source of protein with ground provision.

There are so many Jamaicans who have no idea how the poor survive and live in Jamaica. The Jamaican poor continues to have faith in a party and a leader who has done very little to remove them from poverty.

I guess one could say the poor get what they deserve.

chicken back fat

Cops seize Rocket Launcher, ahead of President Obama’s visit

It has just been reported that cops seized  a number of high powered weapons, among them a rocket launcher.

More on this later.


Sweden runs out of garbage; Lessons for NSWMA

Something incredible has been taking place in Sweden over the past several years, somewhat of a “recycling revolution,” if you will. Currently less than one percent of the garbage produced in Swedish homes ends up in the landfill today, with the other ninety-nine percent being recycled or composted.

Sweden has been known for years now for the amazing and resourceful waste management system that they have had in place for some time. They have 32 waste-to-energy (WTE) plants and this burned waste powers 20 percent of Sweden’s district heating as well as electricity for about 250,000 Swedish homes.

In fact, Sweden has become so good at recycling their waste; the country now has to import 800,000 tons of trash each year from the U.K., Italy, Ireland and Norway to keep their WTE plants up and running.


Those idiots pushing to have Jennifer Edwards back as head of the NSWMA, should read this and get themselves educated.


Is Jennifer Edwards an idiot or what ?

I believe I fall into the 20% of the Jamaican population who thinks very different and that can be a good thing as well as a bad thing in the eyes of some people.

Jennifer Edwards was given a 3 year contract in 2012, which expired in February of this year. This contract was extended by the board and ended yesterday, March 26, 2015. The board has indicated that her contract would not be extended and it was after that all hell broke loose.

Some people are suggesting that Jennifer was not treated fairly and must be given back her job as she did not set the fire, which is the dumbest statement I have heard to date.

Yesterday she filed a lawsuit to try and force the board not to fire her, but to me this lawsuit makes no sense as the legal document ie the contract had expired and is no longer in effect.

Today I read of a former NSWMA head arguing that Jennifer was given a basket to carry water

FORMER executive director of the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), Christopher Powell, says the current agency head Jennifer Edwards was set up to fail.

“I’m not privy to all [that’s going on] but on the face of it she’s been given a basket to carry water, and I’m speaking from experience. From my time and before Alston Stewart’s time, every executive director will tell you we have countless [discussions on ways] to put in trucks, for infrastucture development of the landfill, not only at Riverton but Retirement, Haddon, Martin’s Hill, everywhere, and it takes money. I don’t know the internal runnings of what’s going on now, but she doesn’t have enough resources — I never did, either — to run the place,” Powell said.

Now look at Jennifer Edwards statement on the same matter

In her defense, Edwards said the agency has been severely hobbled over the years by a critical lack of the resources required to upgrade and transform the facility to meet developed country standards.

Now, if you and other believe you were setup, starved of resources, given a basket to carry, why on earth would you be fighting to keep a position where failure is imminent , based on your own statement and assessment .

So this is what I am hearing from  Jennifer Edwards :

” Even though I know I am going to fail, even though I know there is no resources to get the job done even though I know I will never be able to do a good job, I demand I be given a new contract to continue to do what I have been doing over the last 3 years.”

Performance is not that important if I can find a reason or excuses for my failure to perform, what matters is that I be given the task to continue as my failure is really not mine because I was not given what I needed to perform to the required standard.

Now can someone smarter than me tell me why would someone would go far as to court to stay in a job that failure will be the only outcome?

This would be clear proof that Mrs Edwards can be consider to be a complete idiot or really does not care if she fails to do what the country expect as long as she remain in the position  because she is a good comrade.

May the lord help Jamaica.

Book smart, but street idiot – Andrew Holness

This is how Andrew Holness is being described, when compared to sitting Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller. The latter has been described as not too “book bright”, but street smart and has been able to sucessfully destroy the credibility of Andrew Holness time and time again.

Andrew Holness for all his education is being misled by elders of the party and is heading down the very rd Edward Seaga travelled. This road allowed the incompetent PNP to ruin this country for 18.5 long years and destroyed everything , including the moral fabric of the country.

Andrew Holness has lost it and MUST resign if he has any intention of becoming Prime Minister of Jamaica again.

I call upon Mr Holness to not let today end without him handing in his resignation, failing which we will be moving to have him forcibly removed from the position. The man has become an embarrassment to the party !

Today when Andrew speaks the truth he is not believed, but when Portia makes a stupid and idiotic statement it is believed and takes on a life of its own.

Look at the following statement

” Jennifer did not set the dump on fire”

“Andrew Holness is mocking the poor with his basket of grocery”.

When a leader can say the above and becomes more credible than the opposition leader, not only do you realize that so many idiots live in Jamaica, but you must also realize that the opposition leader is absolutely worthless and must be removed from that position.

Why does Jennifer Edwards believes she is entitled to a new contract ?

Jennifer Edwards when she was first appointed, agreed to a contract, which ended today, March 26, 2015.

The NSWMA decide not to renew this expired contract and Mrs Edwards is filing an injunction to prevent her dismissal and wants to bar the board from advertising the position.

Can someone explain to me what does a contract mean and why does it have an expiration date?

Can someone also explain to me, why anyone believes that he or she is ENTITLED to an extension or a renewal of an expired contract.

Why does the PNP women’s movement and Jennifer Edwards believes, that she MUST be given a new contract


She was not really fired, they merely choose NOT to extend her contract and as far as I know the board is NOT obliged to hand her a NEW contract.

WTF is wrong with this country?

Why do some  people in  believes in entitlement ?

Shaking my head in amazement .