Civil society groups are not interested in real accountability . Part Two

Integrity Commission 2019/2020 annual report

Two  public officials listed. One went to court and was found not guilty, while the other had a court case, the outcome which was never found. The timelines were a bit off, since the Gleaner report was in 2013 yet the public official who was already before the courts was listed in the 2019/2020 report. Of note one public official pleaded guilty to illicit enrichment in the Gleaner report. This is in keeping with my statement above , where I asserted that the public officials have the greatest access to public funds and is where the focus ought to be.

Integrity Commission 2020/2021 Annual Report

In the 2020/2021 report, the Integrity Commission cited 2 Parliamentarians  and 6 Public officials as being investigated for illicit enrichment. Are we to assume that members of civil society and the media :

a) Did not read this report and so were never aware these two
b) Read the report , but chose not to make the information public for whatever reason
c) Did not think it would gain any political traction so did not comment
I don’t have the answer, so only they can respond

Integrity Commission 2021/2022 Annual Report

In the 2021/2022 report, the Integrity Commission cited 1 Parliamentarians  and 3 Public officials as being investigated for illicit enrichment. Are we to assume that members of civil society and the media

  1. Did not read this report and so were never aware these two
  2. Read the report , but chose not to make the information public for whatever reason
  3. Did not think it would gain any political traction so did not comment

I don’t have the answer, so only they can respond

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