Where are the unions on the Ramharrack case, why the silence ?

I have noticed something very interesting over the last few weeks and I think its now time to share this with the public.

When there is a financial matter on hand the media seeks out the financial experts from the private and the public sector to help us decipher what is taking place and help the public to gain a better understanding of the matters on hand.

The same thing happens for sports, we get renowned sports analyst to get to the bottom of the matter and advise us on what is really taking place.

In the Ramharrack Vs Petrojam case, the media has sought to get “political analyst” whom have virtually zero experience on Labour and Industrial relations laws to help us understand what is taking place .

Ramharrack vs Petrojam has been one of the biggest IR case to hit the public airways in a long time but the people giving “considered” views are NOT the IR or labour law experts .

Where are the experts from


2. NWU




Why have they all remained silent while those who don’t know the rules are the ones speaking. Not one has said Petrojam is wrong Not one has supported the worker .

In almost all IR/Labour matter the Unions in Jamaica would have spoken out in support of the worker and denounce the actions of the company. What’s so special about this case why “mum” is the word.

Is it that the UNIONS have decided that any thing they say now can and will be used against them in the future, why they have all refused to speak. Have the unions decided not to speak as this would not support their political agenda

If UAWU and NWU were to have voiced support for the worker, would that not be at variance with the PNP. If they were to support the move of Petrojam to settle would that not also go against the noise from the PNP.

Are our unions so politically compromised that they feel they cannot take a position on the biggest IR issue in year . Clearly the unions have decided not to speak due to political reasons which is really sad and shows that its party before people.

Lambert Brown is known to be one of the loudest voices around and is considered to be one the best Industrial Relations expert in the country, so can anyone explain why his views have not be sought and made public by the media in this country?

Are we really searching for the truth or do we rather a juicy story ?

You be the judge.

2018 High School Ranking

These are the latest results of the high school ranking for 2018