Jamaicans fighting with Jancrows for rotten meat

The level of desperation and depravity is current at a level never before seen in the history of this country. It is so bad that Jamaicans are now in a fight with Jancrows (Vultures) at Riverton City for rotten meat, which has been dumped at the city’s main dump.

The Gleaner is reporting a brisk trade in the purchase of stinking , rotten meat  in downtown Kingston as Jamaicans out of desperation or otherwise is in a desperate struggle for survival.

I cannot recall ever seen this level of depravity in this country and its amazing that the country has remain relatively quiet is spite of the desperate economic challenges facing us.


I hang my head in shame to see where the PNP has taken Jamaican after over 23 years in power 18.5 yrs of which was unbroken