Africa’s Singapore Dream – Rawanda thinks big and is making progress

Kagame has been drawing parallels between the two countries for years. He refers to Rwanda as theSingapore of Africa.” He cultivates Singaporean expertise, on everything from urban planning to the police. And he has even managed to replicate the Singaporean emphasis on tidiness. First-time visitors to Kigali, the capital, are invariably surprised by the spotless roads, the carefully ordered traffic, and the conspicuous absence of trash. (While Kagame hasn’t gone so far as to follow Lee’s bans on spitting or chewing gum, he has outlawed plastic bags.)

Road works ahead of President Obama’s visit

Commonsenseja decided to take a look at roads that are being repaired ahead of US President Obama’s visit to Jamaica.

Take a look

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It shows that Government will always find the money to do what it wishes to do and a society that fails to hold the government accountable will never push them to create a better place for the citizenry of the country.

Our collective failure is evident in how the country is being managed

This is the Sir Florizel Glasspole Highway ie the road from the harbour view round about heading west into Kingston