Basil Waite will be asked to resign after being arrested on a corruption charge

Basil Waite who was appointed as a consultant in the Noel Arscott lead local government elections, was today arrested and charged for corruption.

We understand that Mr Waite will be asked to resign from his consultant role in the ministry in short order. Some how it appears that those associated with the PNP always seem to be involved in acts of corruption, no matter how hard they try not to be involved.

It must be something in the PNP DNA

5 Responses

  1. Right….Daryl Vaz was charge for corruption and still before the courts on similar charges as Waite. Your MP from St. Thomas tries to have a fellow JLP Activist Killed and his mother was killed by unknown assailants. Said MP pluck a know serial murderer (Rameish Simpson) (?) from the hands of the police as they move in for the kill and concoct false information on a Senior Police Office to discredit him and end up ruining the Police Officers career. Hey, BTW, you notice that he has become mute since that incidence and the revocation of his prize visa?

    I won’t even go into the Former Prime Minister and Leader of your party that brought the entire Government bureaucy to bear in setting up roadblocks after roadblocks to hinder the extradition of a know Narco-Trafficker, Gun Runner and murder. We will also ignore for the moment the two sitting MP who was implicated with laundering drug money for Narco-traffickers. The there is Warmington who was still actively involve in the construction business while a sitting MP of the ruling party at the time. His case was sent to the DPP, but it died a natural death due to her allegiance to her party. I could go on, but this type of post will push Lipton over the edge. I don’t want to do that just yet.

    Jay, on whose behalf did Waite interceded on that gave rise to the corruption charge(s)?. It wouldn’t be the PNP guy (Youth Arm) who tried to procure a visa using bogus information? Could you check with your source at G2K and report back.

  2. Basil Waite , Kern Spencer and Raymond Pryce cut from the same cloth at UWI. All from PNPYO . All three fight for the same St. Elizabeth seat. Both Kern and Basil are on corruption charges so the people are left with Fisher Pryce who them don’t really like.

    Basil and Kern should exit politics permanently

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