Decades of PNP rule have created a corruption culture in Jamaica

The PNP after ruling for 22.5 out of the last 30 years must take credit for creating a culture of corruption that is presently negatively impacting all aspects of life in Jamaica today.

During this period of time , the PNP has overseen no less than 25 scandals, many of which reeks of corruption to include bribery, kickbacks, fraud, and diversion of public funds to private individuals.

During this period of time, not a single person has ever been convicted of corruption charges, despite the good work of Greg Christie as Contractor General as well as work done by the Auditor General.

In fact in 2012, the OCG blasted Dr Omar Davis and the PNP for creating a team to circumvent the work of the OCG, which only served to reinforce the point that the PNP was never serious about corruption prevention and never valued real accountability . Dr Davis angrily said words to the effect ” We will not allow the OCG to make us impotent” . Never before have we seen such disdain for an ANTI CORRUPTION agency, yet Dr Davis was allowed to keep his job , amazing.

One man whose name has featured the most has been Phillip Paulwell and to date he has managed to elude law enforcement officials for every one of the corruptions scandals that bears his name. He was recently promoted to Vice President of the PNP and now campaign manager of the party.( I guess in that party you get rewarded based on the number of corruption scandals that you have been associated with.)

The failure of the PNP over the 22.5 years has ensured that Jamaica remains close to the bottom on the Corruption Perception Index and it will take a mammoth task for the perception of corruption to be lifted.

The corruption bug as infiltrated every aspect of public life to include the JTA, the JCF, the Media and even aspect of the judiciary, leaving us to wonder if we ever slay this dragon.

Corruption watch dog such as NIA has come in for some very serious questions as well, for what appears to be its lack of objectivity and questions still surround the head of the organization given his past associations, which does not help.

We trust that the current JLP administartion will actually do something about the high level of corruptiuon that has premated every sector in Jamaca.

Don’t be fooled, it will a most difficult task which will be stoutly resisted by the most corrupt as according to the them ” a so d ting set”