Is the PNP willing to pay the political price to fight crime ?

You cannot have a policing solution to a political problem

Jay Brown

Crime in Jamaica will only come under control and remain there when the PNP, which seems to be the party most favoured to win each election, decides that the life of Jamaicans matters, more than its voracious  appetite for electoral victory and power.

Our crime problem will only be solved (controlled), if the PNP decides that it is willing to sacrifice the chance of being re-elected, to put a major dent in crime in Jamaica and they are actually the best party to do so.

The PNP is easily the party that is most likely to be forgiven for taking a very tough stance on crime by the people of Jamaica, (they have it like that.)

They are held to a much lower standard than the other party and have what I call “goodwill” on their side, so all they need to do, is just do what needs to be done.

The process must begin with the PNP dismantling its garrisons, the majority of which are safe seats right across the length and breath of Jamaica. The problem with this strategy is the people displaced have very little room to maneuver because the PNP has failed and continue to fail to grow the economy and so provide jobs and opportunities for the people of Jamaica.

Were the PNP to do the above, there is a great chance of losing the next election, which is something the party dread more than “catching aids”, but let’s explore this some more.

  1. Where the PNP to the above they stand a good chance of losing the next, election but that in itself is not a bad prospect at all.
  2. Were the JLP to win, there is  good chance that the country will experience some levels of growth and with that job opportunities for those displaced from criminal activities by virtue of what the PNP did.
  3. There would be need for very strong social intervention in these communities while the growth agenda is gathering pace, after which a lot of these can be slowly removed and people allowed to earn their own keep.
  4. We would have achieved something which have eluded us for the better part of 50 years
  • Crime would be down and stay down
  • The police could go freely into every nook and cranny across Jamaica without fear of political reprisals.
  • The country could once again return to a growth path.
  • Some of the billions being spent on trauma care could be used to fund social program and further develop our ailing health facilities.
  • Tourism would most likely shoot upwards bring in more forex’
  • Jamaica would be seen as more peaceful place and so the possibility of even greater FDI’s
  • Productivity levels could increase due to more hrs available for work due to less fear of criminality.
  • The justice system would not be so over worked

The is one big problem with all the above. Criminal lawyers would now be under extreme pressure, as with low crime rate, the need for these guys would fall precipitously, possibly putting many out of job and into bankruptcy as they would not longer be able to support their life style.

So its more than a political prices, people will have to pay the financial price also of lower crime rates, but I strongly believe the benefits far outweigh the negatives I just mentioned.


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