The Jamaican passport is not so “worthless” after-all

April 24, 2015

The Jamaican passport is ranked as one of the least valuable travel documents in the Caribbean based on the number of countries which allow its holders visa free travel through their ports of entry.

If the events over the last two days are anything to go by, it seems that Gleaner report above maybe very wrong.

I just heard a report of someone in the line from 1 am this morning outside the passport office, to ensure they were at the top of the line in their quest to secure a brand new Jamaican passport.

I spoke with one person over the phone who explained that he arrived at the passport office at 4:00am this morning and received number 244, meaning 243 people were already of him.

When  the person was asked if it was worth it and they said yes, because they had  saved $2,000 as a result of this being their that early this morning. having taken 6 hrs off from work.

I  then asked the following questions

Jay ” How uch do you earn per hr

Response ” $750 per hr

Jay ” How much hrs did you spend there”

Response ” just over six hrs”

Jay ” How much did you save ”

Response ” $2,000″

Jay ”  Let’s do the maths so really show that you actually wasted money this morning. 6 X $750 = $4,500, this is what it cost you to be at PICA and away from work.   The fee increase was $2,000, so the net effect of your actions is that in real terms you lost $2,500 plus a good nights rest”.

I will continue to say, our people make these mistakes because they do not understand how money works and end up losing when in their hearts they believe they are saving.

So anyone who thinks a Jamaican passport has no value, think again. People broke down the gates at PICA this morning to secure a brand new highly valued passport.

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