Lawyer are going ” Kill” residents giving testimony

The residents of Tivoli will be no match for the powerful lawyers representing the army, police and any other group that the residents are likely to come up on.

I can already see this inquiry appears to be going nowhere after two days of testimony.

One Response

  1. Actually, I think it give the residents an opportunity for the entire Jamaica to see what is going on. People recognize real. so when the high powered lawyers are trying to twist the witness, it makes the witness look more credible, because they are holding their own so far.

    The David Vs Goliath will make more people be on side of David. the young lady fired some powerful shots, when she say everybody there except the victims are getting big money to be there.

    The truth will shine like a beacon. the people will make up their own minds.

    So far, the witness are winning 3 – 0

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