Can we have a conversation on child welfare in Jamaica, where are our missing children ?

TVJ news has a section at the end of the broadcast, where it shows the faces, names, ages, addresses and dates of kids ( some adults), who have been reported missing in Jamaica, but how many of us pay any attention to this ?

Hear the children cry has been a solo voice in Jamaica, speaking and trying to engage the Jamaican public in a discussion about what is taking place in Jamaica in relation to it’s kids. The statistics about missing children in Jamaica is alarming, but you don’t seem to get the feeling that the majority of the population cares about this fact.

Last year for example ( don’t quote me on the exact numbers), over 1000 Jamaican boys and girls were reported missing. We have been told that a little over 700 returned home and over 300 are STILL REPORTED AS MISSING !

Where is the expression of outrage from the Jamaican public to these startling statistics, yet this is the same public who is now express outrage about what the JFJ has done in the children’s home.

How can 300 children go missing in a small country like Jamaica and its not considered to be a major crises ?

How many of these children have become victim of human trafficking ?

How many of these kids have become subject to sexual exploitation ?

How many of these kids have been subjected to slavery ?

Where are our 300 boys and girls from last year ?

Do we really care about the welfare of our children ?

Why do we have some many children in childrens home ?


These are questions that need to be answered.

If we show lack of care today, the very kids who we neglected today, will be the very ones being our nemesis, when we become old and frail and unable to take care of ourselves.

Is that what we want and if that is not the case, then we need to make a decision today, to change our modus operandi and the really start caring.

Let’s stop allowing things to happen to us and start acting to make a difference. It’s not the sole responsibility of Lisa Hanna and her team, we need to take time out of our busy schedule to begin to care, is that asking too much ?   😦




One Response

  1. Thank God for the USA, with the threat of financial aid being cut, maybe Jamaica will now begin to start taking notice. Jamaica only reacts to threats from first world countries.

    What a sad state of AFFIARS, it takes a foreign to tell Jamaica to hold Jamaica politicians accountable and NOT the people of Jamaica !

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