Peter deny’s three times !

As in the biblical days and around this  time of the year ( over 2000 yrs ago), there is a story in the Bible of a man called Peter that denied knowing Jesus three times.

  1. Peter  when ask ” Are there any prior actions demanded by the IMF, the answer was no.
  2. Peter met with sector leaders and denied any tax increases, then imposed $16b worth of taxes on Jamaicans.
  3. Peter when asked, will there be another Debt Exchange he said no.


  1. Peter when asked about an IMF agreement he said end of the year (2012), then end of March, then soonest possible date.
  2. Peter when asked about  JDX#2, said no, no, then we heard of JDX #2 and JDX #3
  3. Peter when asked if there will be another round of tax increases, he said use the power of deduction, but  there will be no Major tax increases


  1. Peter when asked about raid on our private back account balance denied 3 times, but a day later asked for ALL surplus of state agencies(warning).


Peter Phillips is a man that cannot be trusted and is not someone who you can negotiate with in good faith.

I guess Portia Simpson Miller knew this and  that maybe one of the reasons why she choose him to become Finance Minister, she needed someone who could look you right in the eyes and tell he he was not even sitting there looking at you.

The trust deficit that exist  in the current leadership of the PNP is one of the worst I can recall seeing in modern day Jamaica and the Prime Minister believes if she does not speak on the issue, it can be said she was not a party to what was/is going on and so cannot be held responsible.

No sister P we are a lot smarter than that, you fought for power and now you have it you are absolutely clueless what do with it and unless you can get a miracle. history will record you as the worst  Jamaican Prime Minister yet .

The media is being made a  FOOL of by the PNP and reporters are like chickens being feed bits and piece of corn, which the hungrily gooble up at what has become a farce called weekly press conference, its nothing but that. Those sessions have become the epicenter of obfuscation and misdirection  lead by the Minister of Mis-information.

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