The inarticulate majority will speak loudly in Central Westmoreland today

Robert “Incompetent” Pickergsgill is no doubt the worst performing minister in post independent Jamaica and will be most likely remembered for his crudeness in responding to public concerns. His most recent comments of the “articulate minority” has taken on a life of its own and like I said in a previous column , he is so right.

Today is a by-election in Central Westmoreland as the JLP/PNP fight for the seat left vacant by the late Roger Clarke. Those that are likely to go out and vote and the people who have no work, who have little income, who are poor, have bad road and have experienced a tough way of life. These are the ordinary Jamaicans and are the inarticulate majority, who will go out vote to retain the seat for the PNP.

The articulate minority would have been at work and will not take time off to vote , but will follow the process via twitter and so will have no part to play in the outcome of these elections. At the end of the day, when the PNP would have won, they will once again take to twitter and call out those “idiots” who voted for the PNP once again, despite the fact that they are suffering under PNP.

Today, will be further proof that Robert Pickersgill is 100% correct and he truly knows about the real “runnings” on the ground insofar as election victory is concerned.

Last week at Emancipation park, less that 50 of the articulate minority took to the streets to protest and today, which is the final day of the protest 4:30 – 6:00 pm, we will be lucky to see 100 people showing support, you just watch and see.

This is the difference between the articulate minority and the inarticulate majority.

One Response

  1. They have done just that and the articulate minority is still cursing them out on twitter .

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