After all the talking, what are we going to do about those expensive phone bills

Jamaica is know as a bunch of talkers, we are on the talk shows everyday and all we seem to do is talk m talk and more talk.

It was recently revealed that talk was not cheap under the PNP, having heard reports that 11 Cabinet Minister and Junior Minister has racked up a total of $5m for telephone calls in a single 12 month period.

Jamaicans have been on talk shows, writing in the papers etc, but what definitive actions, will we take as a nation  to ensure that someone pays for this mistake.

I expect what we will do is to fume and then move and and guess what they know all of this, just allow it to blow over and move unto the next big thing.

We continue to fail to hold people accountable and this is the reason we keep having these issues.

May the lord help us.

One Response

  1. I hope to read the next blog about Audley Shaw’s $8m phone Bill….

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