Why does Jamaica continue to fail so badly ?

There are many who are of the belief that our continued failure as a country is grounded in the fact that we do not hold our leader and/or ourselves accountable.

Every time the country need a service or services , we hear the cry of tough times and no money is available to do what we elect leaders to do. What is ironic however, is as soon as these very leaders need something done badly, something which in their interest, the money magically appears and that which is required gets done.

These leaders then go before Parliament or on the political platform and explain the reason for their decision, which in most cases is hogwash, but the partisan Jamaican populations buys the crap, lock, stock and barrel, why ?

Are we that stupid or is that we are so blinded by our loyalty for a political party, that we will defend that which is wrong just by the mere fact that the opposing side or civil society is critical of that act.

The recent deportation of Abu Bakr is one such case, where we take $4m to hire a private jet to deport a 74 yr old sick man,  because we believe he could conspire to overthrow the now unpopular PNP government.

In fact Abu Bakr in an interview last week with Nationwide said ” Jamaicans would have to be idiots to believe the National Security Minister when he said, I could radicalize the country in a few days”.

Peter Bunting have sounded and acted not like the good business man he is known to be , went unto to say words to the effect ” The JLP in 2011 spent over $9m on deportation, but we will spend less than that this year, which is a testament to fiscal prudence on the part of this government”.

What Peter Bunting is suggesting here, is, we have a budget and we shall use it and guess what even with the $4m for Bakr, we shall spend less than the JLP” . This was greeted with sustained desk pounding and applause from a bunch of parliamentarians, who would have gone to their constituents the next day and tell them, we cannot get you water as their is no money to do so.

Folks, so even if we could have spent less, the government was not willing to do so because they have a budget and have not yet exceeded that budget. They could not careless about you and I and how those unused funds could have been diverted to some other area, no sir, to hell with all us , let’s spend the money.

Peter Bunting is a shrewd and successful businessman and his success has not come about by recklessness on his part, but by fiscal prudence and wise decision making.

Its a pity that he is/has not been able to make that translation, when it comes unto the tax payers money.

What is even worst is the behaviour of his fellow parliamentarian and the those Jamaican who choose to support the wanton waste of our money in these  difficult times.

I want anyone of them to come tell me crap about belt sighting including the Prime Minister. I am done listening to these folks, I don’t want to hear words instead I want to see actions to show they are serious and so far that has been sadly lacking.

Why do you think the PNP Government is passing the IMF ?

They are passing because a few  guys,  a few guys from Washington holds ALL of them accountable !

So the key to get good performance is to hold our politicians and by extension the government accountable.

So why does Jamaican continue to fail, its because WE the population fails to hold them accountable.

Now why is that so hard ?

2 Responses

  1. We are failing so badly as a country because our politicians know that the crap they inflict on us for the first four years will be quickly forgotten in year five when elections are constitutionally due. They will then draw for what i call the Pattersonian strategy and release the election war chest, money will flow and all our troubles will disappear until the th elections are won and then its back to the crap again.Lets hope that our country wakes up to this and send them packing

    • Maybe we should have general elections every two years, then will should have the war chest money would appear to run continuously.

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