Abu Bakr disrupted Caribbean Airlines flight, hence his detention

The Trinidad express is reporting that after Abu Bakr and his family were denied entry he was placed on the return flight to Trinidad and was to be seated in economy class.

He however refused to sit in is assigned seat in economy class and became boisterous, resulting the cops boarding the plane and forcibly removing him from the aircraft and take him into custody.


Bakr should really have been charged with a crime and placed in a lockup and booked for court appearance.

I hope the Jamaican government does not incur any cost to send home this terrorist !

One Response

  1. I seem to be well aware of how we operate as a government , just look at this.

    Jamaican Gov’t admits to paying US$36,000‏ for private plane to send barred T&T Muslim leader home.

    KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Jamaican Government has confirmed that it paid US$36,000 for a private plane to take leader of the Jamaat al Muslimeen in Trinidad and Tobago Yasin Abu Bakr back to the twin-island republic Thursday morning.


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