The JLP desperately needs a PR strategy

You know you are doing a terrible job at PR when you speak the truth and no one listens and your opponent can say your truths are lies and everyone believes they are in fact speaking the truth, confused ?

The JLP have been a party that is very poor at PR and I can speak as a voice of authority on this , given the fact that I have known of a number of submissions have been made to the party on various subjects and the party have failed to respond any of these correspondences.

This brings me to the way the party communicates and its reach to the people of Jamaica. This present Chikv situation was highlighted by the JLP from as far back as Sept 7, 2014 at the very onset of the outbreak and when the party spoke, they were shutdown but the government spokesmen, the media and public commentators  as being alarmist and trying to create public mischief.

There PR was so bad that very few believed the party spokesmen at the time, with some even questioning the rational of their pronouncements, suggesting it was simple designed to score cheap political points.

The country and the Government only started paying attention, when things got out of control and many reports made it way to the media , about hundreds of people falling ill and had to be away from school and work. It was at this point the media started taking notice and so did the rest of Jamaica.

Unable to hide the fact anymore, the Government fessed up and agreed that we had a problem and was now seeking the public help to contain the situation.

The JLP clearly lacks a PR presence and if they harbour any real chance on connecting with the masses and leading this country, they need to find a way to improve this gross deficiency.

As I said at the very onset, you PR is terrible if you happens to be speaking the truth and no one is willing to listen, while at the same time, people are willing to listen and believe the misinformation being told and accept them as the truth.

Guys at Belmont rd, you are all not learning from the PNP, these guys are masters of PR , deception and misdirection and this is what Jamaica loves, so get with the it if you want to be relevant and be in the game.

You had better however leave out the deception and misdirection and focus on the PR as while the country will forgive the PNP for deception and misdirection, the JLP will have no such forgiveness, that is a fact.

Unno need fi fix up and at least acknowledge simple correspondences such as emails etc as you don’t know who is out there trying to help unno.

6 Responses

  1. Jay,

    I could shake ur hand with this comment you have made. I hear the facts being spoken and persons choose to believe lies, The chick-V thing is one of the more blatant ones but if it was something that could be easily contained the truth would never come out. smh And whoever had spoken initially would be seen as a liar for all time. Yes, I will be accused of being labourite, but I am saying it as I see it. I have been watching how we play politcs in Ja for a while now.

  2. Delano Sievwright said it, but he is planning to run against Ferguson, so it made it seem malicious and bias. maybe they should have used somebody else than Delano. He does not have a good track record for PR

  3. There is one major difference between those on this blog who are seen as been green and those seen as being orange. While those who are seen as green are willing to take a swipe at both the green party and orange party if they believe that something is not right, those who claim to orange, will never attempt to be critical of their party.

    Why would that be the case however, is it that you simply turn a blind eye when things go wrong and wish them away. If that is the approach, then we can certainly see why things tend to go south when a certain party is in power.

    • Why would any Comrade criticize their party on your blog, when your blog is replete with an ever ending oversupply of criticism of the PNP? 80% or more of the threads you originate is in the form of attacks on the ruling party, whether warranted or not. Let us say you have done an outstanding job in that department to make up for the comrades who seek to remain silent. Put is this way, comrades are not going to be placed in a position to level criticism at their own party in a public domain. We leave those types of ineptitudes to the Philistines like yourself.

      I must take exception to this fallacy that the green labeled ones are equal opportunist when it comes to criticizing the JLP. There is no evidence on this blog to support such a conclusion. You guys do such an excellent job of tearing down your own, that it is comical to watch from the sidelines as the labourites continue to perfect that artform. If fact, you Party and its minions have become known as the tear-down party, always at the ready to oppose and clearly on a path of self destruction. Sorry if we choose an alternative source of voicing our disapproval of certain policies of our party.

      • One first must have the wisdom to recognize when a wrong or injustice and two the “balls” to be willing to take a public stances on the matter.

        The unwillingness by some to speak to the issues publicly for fear of “pissing” off someone, allows injustice to strive and this is where Jamaica is today.

        I guess we know who should take credit for this

  4. JLP has been given a fillip by the latest Bill Johnson poll, can they use this with an effective PR strategy to take the party in a local government victory followed by a General election victory, or will they find some way to screw up all of this ?

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