This party never seems to learn and get the darn message, they continue to fight with each other with regularity. War-mington is taking the party to court and Mike Henry was in another public spat with the party just a few days ago.

Is JLP really a party in waiting ?


15 Responses

  1. The word “War-mington” is trademarked by me, since I was the first to come up with it. You owe me USD$5.00 for every use of this word. 🙄

    JLP, the party in waiting? No, it is a party in disarray, splintered into many factions. They are imploding as we speak. Hey Jay, is the prodigal son (YOU) prepare to return to his roots and his rightful home? There is always room at the Inn for fresh ideas (and we know you have a lot of those), bright minds and positive outlook on things (YOU need some work in this department…but we can work with you on improving on this handicap).

    Jay the JLP will be in the wilderness for a very long time, mark my words (to quote a great Comrade…Truthlives)!

  2. I’m surprised that Jay hasn’t said anything about the fact that War-mington is doing James Robertson’s bidding, shooting off his mouth and using legal stunts to disqualify the other contenders for the post of Deputy Leader of the party and have his man elected by default. How did Jay miss the very obvious maneuver by Wammy to push “the thug” ahead of one or more capable JLP Candidates. How could you miss this JayJay Brown?

    • Jay, I was wrong on this issue. The Deputy Leadership positions are based on 4 regions, not THE Deputy Leadership position of the Party. I need to take my Meds…..as the cystal ball images became jumbled….it is becoming clearer now given the link you provided below.

  3. He probably should have handled the issue internally as I’ve been informed that the first time much of anyone in the JLP knew about the issue was after he filed the injunction. I find it strange how he went about this.

  4. To say I am disappointed in the turn of events for the JLP would be putting it mildly, but clearly this party does not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. They have just provided the PNP with the exact type of distraction it needs, given its disastrous performance year to date.

    There is more going on than has been reported as the party appears once again set to self destruct 😦

    • The Young Turks are at it again, this time using War-mington as the public face. Is Vaz/Roberston/Montague pulling the strings behind the scene just as they did when the engineer the removal of Seaga? We all know that War-mington, Vaz, Robertson and even Montague does not have the skill set (nor the public appeal) to rise to the top of the JLP hierarchy, so who will be the ultimate beneficiary of this plan coup? Jay any hints as to who is might be “The Heir Apparent”?

  5. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20121118/lead/lead1.html

    Gleaner almost got it right, has more details than the Observer

  6. […] Jlp at War With Itself Again ? (commonsenseja.wordpress.com) […]

  7. […] Jlp at War With Itself Again ? (commonsenseja.wordpress.com) […]

  8. Yes, Jay. The JLP is a party in “waiting”….and as far as I see they will be in waiting for a very looooooooooooooong time…….mark my words……….

    • You just commented on how bad the parties are, yet here you hope to see the opposition remain in opposition for a very loooonngg time.

  9. Poor Baby Bruce, he has his hand full. He apparently overdosed on something on Sunday and came out shouting all kinds of inanities. I get the feeling he will “leave” before Warmy. I know the chap from St. Mary and it is his life’s dream to be PM – his ego is bigger than even his……

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