The untold story of improvement projects for Jamaica

The JLP either has done a very poor job of informing the public on what it was doing, or the people of Jamaica was simply not interested in what  the JLP was saying during its tenure at governance.

Here is a link to a number of projects which were started during the period the JLP were at the helm, which were all designed to improve various sections of the Jamaican landscape, but sadly these did not ” put food on d table” and that is what most Jamaicans are interested in.

Closed Projects


Current/Ongoing Projects


Can we get an update of the current/on going projects or is that too much to ask.

Not sure if most Jamaicans are even away of the Millennium Development Goals ( MDG) and the projects mentioned above.

The honest candidate fable.

The CEO of a great company was on his last days and recognized that he needed a good replacement for himself. He looked inside his company and decided that whoever he choose, had to be a honest person and one  with impeccable integrity, so he decided against selecting any one candidate and instead decide to test each one.

He called three prospective candidates to his office and indicated to them, that he was on his way out and wanted a replacement and that one of these three guys would eventually  become this replacement, but they all needed to do something first.

He gave each of the three candidates a few seeds and a flower pot  each and told them to come back to his office in a few weeks.  So a few weeks later at the agreed time all three candidates showed up at the CEO’s office.

Candidate #1 showed the CEO the large plant that had been produced from the seeds given, he went unto to explain how he did a great job, of planting and watering the seeds and the end result was this nice big plant.

Candiate#2, showed the CEO his plant, which was smaller than candidate number one and went unto explain like  candidate #1, how a good job he did to have created this wonderful plant.

Candiate #3, hung his head in shame as he came with a flower pot, filled with dirt, but no life was in the pot, he appeared to have blown his chance. He explained to the CEO that he planted the seed, did everything in his power but was unable to get the seeds to germinate and grow.

The CEO then said,  ” I have made my decision as to who will be taking over the leadership role from me in the very near future, it will be candidate # 3″.

Everyone in the room was in a state  of shock,  candidates #1 &2 shouted, this is unfair, how could you have done such a injustice, he ( candidate #3) came here without a plant in his pot, he did nothing when compared how our nice and healthy plants.

The CEO then said ” Do you all recall what were the criteria I laid out when I said I wanted a replacement, in case you forget I did explain I wanted someone who was honest and had integrity and that  is what I see in candidate #3″

They were even more puzzled and wondered if the old man had gone off the deep end, how could he suggest they were dishonest and not truthful.

The CEO said ” I gave the three of you seeds that could NEVER be grow, they were all DEAD and the possibility of creating a plant from these seeds was impossible. Despite this FACT, two of you were able to present plants and that was not possible from the seeds I gave to you. Candidate #3 obviously did not cheat, he showed up  with a flower pot with dirt, even though in his heart he may have believed he had failed, but guess what he was honest and displayed the character that I expect to see from my successor.  You two are hereby fired and candidate#3, will become my successor “

I will leave the interpretation of the above fable to the readers and commentators.

Portia Simpson and the PNP were always going to be a failure !

I think more and more Jamaicans have now finally come to the realization of how poor a leadership is being provided by the PNP under the leadership of the Portia Simpson Miller.

I always knew the PNP and in particular PSM were NEVER up to the task and it would only be a short time in leadership before their abject failure would have become apparent. This time around it took just 100 days before the signs of failure was seen and less than a yr before the entire economy started to unravel.

Just about every key indicator  required for  economic stabilization and growth has been headed in the wrong direction under the leaderless PNP and heading worse as the days go by.

Many persons who I have spoken to this part year are less hopeful about the future of this country and are seriously considering leaving this wretched place. I spoke to two families who left the shores of Jamaica two weeks ago and they have expressed how “stress free” they have been in the two weeks since leaving Jamaica.

No frustration with the lawless taxi drivers who drive on the wrong side of the road, no bus-men who makes a third lane where none exist in their efforts to beat the  traffic jam, no need to worry about those drivers in Jamaica, who does not believe in obeying traffic signals and instead chooses to speed up once the light goes from green to amber. The biggest thing these folks spoke about was how disciplined the people were in the communities in which they lived and how clean the cities were.

One family expressed the view that Jamaica is appears to be beyond the point of no return, but things could be turned around not by education by but by a tough and no nonsense leader whose focus is on Jamaica and not on themselves of their party. The man said ” Jay, I really am sad on what Jamaica represents today and honestly at this stage I want nothing to do with those indisciplined folks where I used to call home. I may sound bitter and I am because its obvious that most Jamaicans appears to be  comfortable what I can only best term as a “hog pen” , where everyone has their snout in the trough, taking what they can before the “food run out”. Jay just drive around Kingston and look how filthy the place is, do persons look uncomfortable or do they appear to be at ease with the conditions. I have had it with that place and wish for you and others that by some miracle, you all get a leader who has vision and will lead. I am not very hopeful however as this decadence that exist cannot be turned around in 5yrs and that is all the time he will get before be kicked out of office”.

Jamaica in Crises …….