Global Warming is it real?

There has been a lot a talk in recent times about global warming and the effect of green house on these changes. In addition to higher surface temperature, they have been talk of rising sea levels and the melting ice caps.

Is this another attempt by scientist to postulate a theorem and then build a case around it and then get the world to buy into this?

You see if you believe that there is in fact “global warming” , the next thing is to develop models to prove that your belief is real.

This is the danger that we run into from scientist, they push their beliefs forward and they go on to “prove” that they are correct thus allowing people to buy into this belief.

I am  willing to say that there is in fact  global warming, but this has absolutely nothing to do with green house gases or anything to do with what has happened in the industrial world.

I believe that rising surface temperature and rising sea levels is a perfectly natural phenomenon which has existed for many thousands of years and has nothing to do with this so called “green house” gas.

Lets take a look at a couple of things and how scientist have lead us to believe we are about to have a global catastrophe.

Fallacy # 1

Storms/Hurricanes are getting stronger due to higher surface temperature as a result of green house gases.

Why should I believe this to be true? The fact is the world population has increased and more persons today are being exposed to these naturally occurring phenomena thus giving the impression that we are having more and that they are stronger.

Where is the records for example of 500 hundreds years ago, which would indicate the strength of these hurricanes and the damaged they caused back then.

The fact is we have are trying to make a decision as it relates to earth in the very short time span that we have lived here, when the fact is we live here for an average of 70yrs which is like a fraction of  second in the earths life cycle.

The ice age for example would have existed for an entire life time, a time more than many of us would have lived from birth to death. If that was to happen today, our scientist would sure find a way to suggest that it’s something that we are doing which caused this problem.

The earth goes through cycles which last for thousands of years, from the global freeze to warmth then to global freeze again.

I can bet my last dollar that we will have an ice age again and  though none of us will of course be around to see it, but I can assure you of this, those living at that time, will be lead to believe its as a result of what they did  or are doing which caused the problem.